Newt to Mitt: Pay my debts!

By Daniel de la Rosa

Newt’s begging bowl or “Can you spare $4.5 million, sir?” — with a Brit accent a la Oliver Twist.

Newt Gingrich cried ‘help’ on Easter Sunday, the day the world celebrates Christ’s resurrection. He trawled the airwaves for someone — anyone — to pay off his campaign debt, practically calling Mitt Romney his ‘daddy.’ This from the same mouth who mocked Romney for lying about his conservative credentials, for being unprincipled and a moderate.

He told home station Fox News that his campaign spent about $4.5 million than it had raised. Newt conceded that rival Mitt Romney would end up the Republican nominee and promised to support the guy once he got the needed number of delegates.

There is no animus between him and the former Massachusetts governor, he stressed. “I hit him as hard as I could. He hit me as hard as he could. Turned out he had more things to hit with than I did.”

He also vowed to help Romney once he clinches the official GOP nomination and runs against Barack Obama. Roughly meant, Newt is holding out his cup and telling Romney and the rest of the GOP: “Someone pay my debt, please.”

“We owe much more than we wanted to. Florida got to be a real brawl. And I think, unfortunately, our guys tried to match Romney, and it turned out we didn’t have anything like his capacity to raise money.”

After calling each other liars and cheats over the past four months, now they’re falling back into each other’s arms like old college sweethearts. Romney said the two had met secretly in New Orleans the day before the Louisiana primary of March 24. (Rick Santorum won that round.) Did Mitt take one look at the bill and told Newt the flowers to Wife No. 3 are personal and not campaign expenses, and that he won’t pay for them?

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