Steven Raga is elected Official of the Year in NYS Assembly

On his first term, a plethora of victories. Photo by Edwin Josue

By Loida Nicolas Lewis

Queens County Young Democrats named Assemblyman Steven Raga on his first year as Elected Official of the Year in 2023! He has been a whirlwind of a legislator during his first two-year term.

Being the first Filipino American elected to the New York State Assembly in November 2022, he was able to pass resolutions that, for the first time in New York State history, celebrated Filipino American History Month, Philippine Independence Day, and recognized the Bataan Death March as a fateful event in the Philippines’s past.

In fact, for the first time, in June 2024 Philippine Independence Day celebration, Steven presented to the Assembly in Albany the 30 Filipino indigenous tribes from the province of Misamis Oriental beautifully wearing their costumes.  He was accompanied by Consul General Senen Mangalile, Ambassador Mario de Leon, and Mayor Erick Cañosa of Gingoog City.

Steven’s first term in office has been marked by a plethora of victories—ranging from securing critical funding for the AAPI community, making our neighborhoods safer, ensuring our schools are properly funded,  investing in affordable housing and supporting tenants. 

He has been a strong advocate for the AAPI community, continuously championing funding for the Equity Budget Coalition, which provides $30 million for crisis intervention centers and community boards to counter hate crimes against Asians. He supported the declaration of Asian Lunar New Year to be a new school holiday. 

He has also been a strong proponent of investing in affordable housing as evidenced by his successful advocacy of $80 million for Mitchell-Lama capital improvements, support for a five-year pilot program in Community Board 2 to legalize basement apartments, and authorization for NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to structure rent for low-income families. For renters, he supported the Emergency Rental Assistance Program of $400 million to provide grants to those who fell behind in their rent payments during the pandemic.

Steven advocates an increase in public safety as he backed reducing the speed limit in NYC from 25 mph to 20 mph and from 15 mph to 10 mph in certain dangerous intersections. He also supported authorizing the NYPD to shut down and padlock illegal smoke and cannabis shops to protect minors, consumers and residents. 

Steven also worked tirelessly during his first two terms to ensure our schools and children are properly supported. He endorsed a $24.9 billion investment in schools so they received the same funding they did the year prior. He also backed universal FAFSA applications to be completed by high school seniors to make sure all eligible students receive aid for higher education. 

He has also been involved in the local community. His office regularly attends local community board and civic group meetings, conducted business round tables in Little Thailand and Little Manila and over four small business walkthroughs. He hosted over 39 events in his district, assisted over 800 constituents with problems on housing, benefits and other community concerns. He has also supported funding of $500,000 to local community organizations and schools serving the communities of Assembly District 30.

With such hardworking, diligent and effective service to his constituents, Steven Raga deserves re-election on November 5 in Assembly District 30 encompassing the neighborhoods of Woodside, Elmhurst, Maspeth, Middle Village, Jackson Heights, and Astoria.

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