For Donald Diehards, blurring the line between a lie and the truth

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From top: Melania Trump, Mike Pence Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephen Miller Eric Trump, Rudy Giuliani

From top: Melania Trump, Mike Pence
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Stephen Miller
Eric Trump, Rudy Giuliani

By Ludy Astraquillo Ongkeko Ph.D.

When it comes to lavishing praise and accolades for Donald Trump, Vice President Michael Pence, leads the pack. Media reports have been swift in catching the usual flattery that came from Pence in reference the well-known July 2018 Helsinki meeting between Donald Trump of the U.S. and Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Pence said: “What the world saw, what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first.”

The aforesaid statement illustrated how Pence was full of praise, bereft of concrete proofs or evidence. Not surprising coming from one who has said: “It is the greatest privilege of my life to serve as vice president to President Trump.”

Another one dubbed as “a more recent cheerleader of Trumpism” is former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the 45th president’s personal lawyer. He has been very visible lately speaking out on issues related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation on possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Giuliani has announced on television that Trump did indeed “reimburse” Michael Cohen, his former personal lawyer and fixer, the amount of $130,000 paid to silence a woman who claimed a sexual relationship with Trump. With that, Giuliani sort of announced his role as a spokesperson for Trump. He appears to be the most vocal among the Trump defenders.

Within the immediate Donald Trump family circle, the patriarch himself must have instilled in his children the well-known “protective shield” manufactured for their father.

When questions arose over the Trump Organization’s business expansion over the past decade, during which the same firm commenced purchasing $400 million worth of golf courses, luxury homes and other properties with “straight cash,” thus noted as heavy borrowing from banking institutions often described as “stifling creditors,” the Trump position was explained by Eric, his second son. Consequently, queries were put forth legitimately by the press relative to the method of borrowing enormous funds, it was Eric who responded to the interviews from the press. He proudly stated: “We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

The same son admitted transactions were met by his father’s “incredible cash flow.”

TIME Magazine cover of June 7, 2018

TIME Magazine cover of June 7, 2018

Another cheerleader of Trump was his former gastroenterologist who, when Trump was still a presidential candidate, was known to have released information about his patient and proclaimed his “astonishing health.”

Melania Trump, in 2011 backed her husband when Trump himself challenged the validity of President Obama’s birth certificate.

As Trump was one of the leading “birthers,” who did not put a halt to his incessant questioning about the Obama birthplace, Trump’s wife strongly qualified her husband’s information against Obama.

In a televised interview by one of TV’s star anchors, Joy Behar, Mrs. Trump was asked: “What’s this with the birth certificate obsession? Did he ask to see yours when you met him?”

Melania’s response: “It would be very easy if President Obama would just show it…It is not only Donald who wants to see it. It’s the American people…they want to see that.” Did Mrs. Trump ever have the opportunity to gauge what she called “the American people,” and their purported wish to see the Obama birth certificate?

Another figure, Stephen Miller, who acts as senior adviser to the Trump White House, has been identified by David Glosser, Miller’s uncle, as the “architect” of exclusionary immigration policies, i.e., the travel ban; the radical increase in accepted refugees; separating children from their parents; and the attempt to ban chain immigration. He continued to decry Miller’s work on advising Trump along the very negative ways immigration policies have been worked upon very recently.

According to The Washington Post, Trump made more than 2,400 false and misleading statements during his initial 400 days in office since January 2017.

However frequently the same news daily has written about the aforesaid claims, the Gallup poll shows the Trump approval ratings among Republicans is 82 percent. Is the latter figure incredible when facts and figures from media sources say otherwise?

It goes without saying that the Trump supporters virtually believe many of their leader’s utterances, although they may be falsehoods. Evidently, it does seem as viewed and tolerated by the Trump followers, or more particularly, his base, that they might have joined the category of the desensitized who have hardened themselves as true believers.

The White House personnel who are identified as communication bridges have their jobs all lined up according to their chief’s instructions.

For instance, when Trump tweeted a video purporting to prove that a Muslim migrant committed an assault, Sara Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, rose to her boss’ defense underscoring her belief: “Whether it’s real video, the threat is real.”

What is evidently baffling to a vast majority of the American populace lies in the reactions observed and why the same base doesn’t seem to mind Trump’s non-stop lies. Needless to state, those who have sworn to side with untruths will continue to convince themselves how well they live with what arrive as truths because they no longer know the difference between a lie and the truth.

© The FilAm 2018

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