LGBT FilAms mobilize for immigration reform for Gay Pride parade
Gay and lesbian Filipino Americans will be marching in the June 30 Gay Pride March under the banner of Pin@y Pride Month.
The announcement was made by the Barangay-New York and BAYAN-USA Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTIQ) Caucus in a statement. In urging queer FilAms to join the march, they said to look for the Pin@y Pride banner at 39th Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues.
Under this year’s theme of “Rain to Rainbows,” the contingent will highlight the call for greater protection and unification of immigrant families who are separated under the conditions of forced migration and mass detention and deportation, said the statement.
Last month, U.S. legislators amended the “comprehensive” immigration reform bill by removing the provisions for family reunification.
They said that in addition to limiting options for immigrants to maintain familial ties, families of all types–including extended families that are common in Philippine society, and those of various gender identities and sexual orientations–are often left out of traditional family categorizations.
“The growing trend of criminalizing immigrants has left many people vulnerable to family separation and deportation,” it said. “The Pin@y Pride Month contingent is mobilizing in the streets as a means to vehemently oppose the removal of the amendment for same-sex family reunification and to demand truly comprehensive immigration reform that will recognize all families.”
The FilAm LGBT community also denounced the growing hate-related crimes and violence and harassment targeting its members. These include incidents of police brutality, stop-and-frisk actions, and queer youth homelessness as a result of family rejection.