Manhattan filmfest winners announced

Emilio Garcia was among the film actors and enthusiasts who graced the International Film Festival Manhattan (IFFM) NYC 2011 Awards Night at the Philippine Center on November 18.

Emilio was at the festival to represent his film, “Sagrada Familia,” where he plays a father who molests his daughter to get back at his estranged wife. Snooky Serna is cast as his wife, and Lovi Poe his teenage daughter.

Emilio is no filmfest newbie. He and Sid Lucero tied for Best Actor in the Thessaloniki International Film Festival in Greece. At the awards night, Emilio and FilAm director Donald Plata (“Forgotten Soldiers”) were the presenters for the Best Music Video, an award won by Charice Pempengco’s video, “Louder.”

The rest of the winners are:

Best Global Narrative
“Liberacion” (Philippines/Japan)
Dir: Adolfo Alix Jr.
Prod by: Jacky Woo

Best Music Video
Charice’s “Louder”
Dir: Tim Cruz

Best Global Documentary
“Left By the Ship” (Italy / Philippines ) Dir: Emma Rossi Landi /
Alberto Vedemmiati

Achievement in Acting
Liza Dino for “Compound”

IFFM Mount Hope Project Award (Social Activism)
“Left By the Ship” (Italy / Philippines )
Dir: Emma Rossi Landi /Alberto Vedemmiati

“Forgotten Soldiers” (USA/Philippines – Documentary) Dir: Donald Plata

“Walking the Waking Journey” (Philippines/ Nepal – Documentary)
Dir: Ferdinand Balanag

The IFFM was organized by Luis Pedron and Gerry Balasta as the co-founders, Grace Labaguis as marketing director, Adora Adora-Penn as marketing consultant, Troi Santos as graphics designer artist, and Mapet Martinez-Santos as the director of the awards night.

One Comment

  1. Tsuji H. wrote:

    Thank you, very nice post.

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