How the 2020 Census will reach out to everyone

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The U.S. Census Bureau provided an update on the status of 2020 Census operations, emphasizing the need for innovative, collaborative partnerships to ensure a complete and accurate count of everyone living in the United States.

“The Constitution requires that each decade, we take a census of the population to determine the number of seats each state will be allocated in the U.S. House of Representatives,” said Census Bureau Director Dr. Steven Dillingham. “To meet that requirement, we go to extraordinary lengths to ensure we count everyone once, only once, and in the right place. We know that the 2020 Census is important to every community.”

“Data literally shape the future of your community. That’s why it’s so important that everyone understands that responding to the 2020 Census is safe, easy and important,” Dillingham continued. – U.S. 2020 Census

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