FilAms for Hillary raise $100K at Chelsea Clinton reception
The FilAms for Hillary East Coast hosted a special reception for Chelsea Clinton on Thursday, Sept. 27, to support the Hillary Victory Fund in New York City.
Headed by Loida Nicolas Lewis, FA4H East Coast Chair, the Sponsor Committee, and about 50 guests warmly welcomed Chelsea. Over $100,000 was raised at this event.
Chelsea acknowledged Lewis’ long time support of her mother Secretary Hillary Clinton. She talked about the importance of everyone registering to vote and getting out to vote on Election Day Nov. 8th citing that the 2016 election was “very crucial” for the nation. Chelsea also highlighted the theme of Hillary Clinton’s platform that “stronger together, we can continue to build a stronger economy, protect the nation and the world, and celebrate American values.”
“Chelsea was wonderfully eloquent,” said Lewis. “Feet on the ground, charming, personable and utterly convincing about her faith in her mom being President of the USA.”
She also reiterated the support of the FilAm community and highlighted Secretary Clinton’s interest and involvement with the community, citing her attendance at a major NAFFAA event as First Lady many years ago.
“A respected bipartisan Senate leader and globally recognized world leader as Secretary of State, I trust her to make the difficult decisions that will impact our country,” said Angelica Berrie, chair of the Berrie Foundation. “For Filipino Americans, this election offers a historic opportunity to make a difference. Hillary Clinton brings a consistent track record of public service, fighting for issues that touch our lives; healthcare, children, families, women, and immigration policy.”
There was an opportunity for a few questions from the guests including one about a family’s separate political affiliations, women’s issues, and the family life of the Clintons. Chelsea encouraged participating in public service saying that one’s involvement makes a difference.
She also told a charming family story about Christmas Day and Santa Claus. When she was a young child, her father Bill Clinton would get up early Christmas morning and wearing boots would walk on the snow at the front door of their house. When she would wake up later in that Christmas morning, her father would declare, “You just missed Santa!” And then he would show her Santa’s boot prints in the snow by the front door.
Members of the Sponsor Committee include Loida Nicolas Lewis, Angelica Berrie, Geraldine Acuna Sunshine, Gail Alvarez and Carla Villacorta, as well as Christina Lewis Halpern, Leslie Malaika Lewis, Dr. Angie Cruz, Edwin Josue, Susan Grant, Matthew Tollin and Bruce Reed.